Friday, January 14, 2011

My Name is Jen... And I'm an Wannabe Organizer

I am so inspired by all of the creative and super organized bloggers out there! While I have the makings of being organized (I am a great planner, I know where everything is, I manage time like no one's business), I am not the most creative person or good at executing. I have a vision, I just don't know how to bring my vision to life. But Lord knows I need to figure it out! My house is a hot mess 90% of the time. Domestically challenged Mister is a stay at home dad; he and the kids can jack up a clean house like a tornado can jack up Dorothy's day!

So here is my plan (see I told you I'm good at planning!):

  1. Come up with a list of about 5 projects to complete with a deadline of 3/31.

  2. Assign time lines, shopping lists, and other resources needed (ie. Mister's muscles)

  3. Scour blogs and magazines for inspirational ideas. (I am loving Honey We're Home's organizing series!)

  4. Schedule specific time to prep, shop, execute!

Here is my list of projects for Q1 (please forgive the quality of the pictures. My camera needs to go to the shop and I am borrowing anothers).

  1. Pantry- We are going to be moving in the next year and don't want to overhaul the shelving so I plan on laying MDF on top of the wire shelves.

  2. Master closet- It's a beautiful closet overwhelmed with shoes, purses and clothes that no longer fit.
  3. Garage (for the second time this year!) Thankfully my 17 year old nephew and brother are staying with us which will be extremely helpful to Mister's muscles as I sit and point.

  4. Kid's rooms/closets- No explanation needed.

  5. Book case- I am an avid reader whose book collection has grown to insane proportions! I have got to edit and plan on donating most of my books to the local VA hospital.
  6. Pictures- My grandfather took pictures of everything! EVERYTHING! and I have inherited all of those photo books. Many of the pics can be thrown away (pictures of snow falling, of the car accident by his house, his new driveway, of the ball dropping on New Years on tv); however the rest are irreplaceable and need to be scanned and protected. His pictures from WWII, family pictures going back the 1920's, every birth in our family, dance recitals, baseball games, Christmases, etc.
(Ok, I said I would chose 5 and I've got a list of 6. Maybe I'm not such a great planner??)

I'll do my best to document my progress and maybe, just maybe, I'll end up being an inspiration who also suffers from being a Wannabe!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Okay, now I think I'm going to have to follow you, because it appears we have a few things in common:
I also posted a picture of half of my pantry, just got a pedi, and have just started reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"! Oh, and I prefer soft cookies as well!