Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy 2011!

I have never been more happy to say good bye to a year. 2010 tested me, humbled me and left me a shattered woman. Thanks to an awful bout of flu, bronchitis and pneumonia in my house from the beginning of November to just before Christmas, I had plenty of time to lick my wounds, reflect and adjust my attitude. While I have not made a long list of resolutions, I am taking advantage of turning the page of the calender to re-prioritize some things.

#1 I have to recommit myself to my relationship with God and pursue fellowship of like minded people. Only He can make me whole again and give me the peace and understanding that I crave.

#2 I have to take better care of me. Mind, body and soul. I have to let go of the pain of the past so that I can fully embrace today. I have got to feed my body with heart healthy nutritious food in order to be the best mother, wife and me I can be. I have to not feel guilty about the time I do take for me or the money I spend on taking care of me. I deserve it. I have to let others own their own problems. Boss makes a bad decision? Her issue, not mine. Family keep their lives in a whirlpool of turmoil? Their issue, not mine. I own me. Not others.

So that's pretty easy, huh? Only two things! I'm positive, refreshed and taking it one day at a time.

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